vendredi 24 février 2012

Spice up your life!

I'm done for now on food photography. I have to admit that was pleasant but also easy: I like arranging things so they appear on the perfect angle that please my sight, and that was also easy not to go out to find good photography subjects.
I will soon go out on a sunny weather hunt interesting photogenic subjects and places!

But before, just one last on spices and condiments. In order: Ground Espelette pepper, Cardamom, Anis seeds, Peppers, Lime, Lemon, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cumin seeds, Paprika, Fenugrec, Nutmeg, Curry, Thyme, Safran.

Too bad you can't smell.

This post title brings me to the second part of my non-working time. Yes, you've all recognize that so famous Spice Girl song. That was 1997... I was 14 and that's were my travel back to France is gonna send me. Tidying, cleaning, trowing away my old stuffs from elementary to high school. My parents almost kept everything... in case I want it one day :s

I now have to pack my bag for a month in France. Except for my yoga mat, I don't really know what to pack. What am I gonna do for an entire month at my parents' place? Since the plan is to clean my former bedroom, I'm pretty sure sweat pants are ok, but I would probably also want to go out. Good thing that sweat pants are also perfect for running... 

Waiting for an other post, please have a look at this one!

2 commentaires:

  1. Hihi sympa ce lien (if you are not part of the solution you are part of the precipitate)
    Concernant tes photos j'avoue que la disposition est très harmonieuse et réussie à mon avis aussi, bravo !
    Bon retour & rangement en France ! Ce rangement fait-il partie de ta do do list (laisser le passé derrière soi) ?

  2. En fait pour certaines photos je me suis un peu inspirée de celles que tu postes sur ton blog ;) Donc je te renvoie le compliments, tes photos sont très harmonieuses aussi!
    Et oui, mettre le passé en ordre c'est aussi à l'ordre du jour avant mes 30ans! C'est en fait très important.
